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Benefits of Swimming for Babies

Posted by gado gado on Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Benefits of Swimming for Babies

Babies are often invited to play in the pool, have balance and the ability to understand better than those who were never invited to swim. Physical skills as well as adults will be better. That's according to research by a team of researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

This difference is visible even when the children are aged five years. Professor Hermundur Sigmundsson and Professor Brian Hopkins compares the 19 babies who often invited to play pool with 19 infants who never played in the pool.

Group of babies who love swimming, regularly twice a week for two hours to swim from the age of 2-3 months until about 7 months. At the age of five years, their ability to be seen in a special session, which floats on water, dive, jump from the edge of the pond, and reached the floating object.

The researchers found surprising results. "We see clearly that baby swimmers were the best in exercises that related to balance and the ability to achieve something," said Professor Sigmundsson.

Just a simple guided by instructors, three month old baby is able to be in a position that is balanced in the water. "The instructor was able to make a baby three months of taste in a balanced position," says Sigmundsson.

Babies who do certain exercises while swimming, according Sigmundsson will also produce good results. "It's very interesting that the swimming training program for infants effect on their future. The development of the ability to maintain balance and blend with experience and learning."


Thanks for reading & sharing gado gado


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