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Babies teach swim early could increase iQ baby and many other benefits

Posted by gado gado on Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Teaching baby swimming? Not wrong, here? apparently not.

Instead you need to teach your child to swim since he was still a few months.
This exercise may help babies develop their physical skills are impressive in later life.

According to a study from the University of Science and Technology in Norway, the baby can swim proved to have better balance, and able to reach objects around more easily than babies who are not swimmers.

This can be seen when Professor Her Back Sigmundsson from NTNU and Professor Brian Hopkins of Lancaster University comparing 19 baby swimmers and 19 other babies who did not follow swimming practice.

The only thing that distinguishes the two groups is that the first group swim. Whileother factors such as parents' educational background and economic status together.The baby swimmers swimming practice for two hours a week, starting from the age of 2or 3 months, up to about 7 months. In a training session, the coach helping the baby do a somersault on the mat that floats, dive under water, jump from the pool edge, andbalance themselves in the hands of his parents while trying to reach objects that float.

When they moved the age of 5 years, both groups were tested with a number of exercises such as balance (standing on one leg), jumping rope, and caught the cushion. Their differences turned out to be very surprising. "We saw very clearly that baby swimmers able to do the exercise well, when associated with balance and ability to reach objects," said Professor Sigmundsson. 

Sigmundsson revealed that stunned with what to do swimming instructor for babies. "The instructor can bring babies aged 3 months to conduct a balanced position, standing with feet flat. The babies locked joints, very pleasant to see," continued Sigmundsson. The study, published in the journal Child: Care Health and Development edition of May 2010, according to him, was able to show that a particular practice is applied in children can affect the ability to later.

"Our study shows that we should not underestimate the learning aspect," he said. Since the baby is actually a child can be taught to swim, because while in the womb, a baby has been accustomed to being in the liquid for 9 months. In the amniotic fluid, the baby will feel comfortable and warm. Therefore since birth, the child has had an instinctive ability to move under water and are not afraid while in the water. At the age of about four months, a baby has had a 'diving reflex' to prevent swallowing water while in the water. That is why, in this age of the child will be very easy to be trained to swim. But after his brain to function properly, these reflexes will gradually disappear, so inevitably he had to re-learn to hold my breath under water.

To start learning to swim, parents should first introduce your child to play in the bathtub or in a pool of plastic. Make sure the water used is warm enough, ie at least 33 degrees Celsius, so it is not cold. The pool is small, will help introduce the sensation of being in the water. Feel how his body was in the water, before he was introduced to a real swimming pool. Research in Melbourne, Australia, showed statistically IQ children are taught to swim in infancy is higher than children who are not taught to swim or be taught to swim after age 5 years. The children were measured IQ when they were 10 years old. Not only that, the growth of physical, emotional and social development was better.

Other studies have shown that babies taught to swim more easily than adults, because the baby never had the X factor such danger. Did not understand the dangers to the unborn? Anyway, the baby is very fond of water so that he would have liked to be invited to swim. Well, it makes it so much easier to learn to swim. Moreover, newborn babies up to the age of 3 months can be directly plunging into the water without fear of drowning, because at that age, she has a reflex move that many potential uses for swimming. "Stepping reflex is a reflex that accompanies the baby as well as grasping reflex and reflex walking," explains Dr. Karel staa of RS Pondok Indah. So, if we put the baby under the age of 3 months in the water, it will automatically wiggled his legs resembling dog paddle so as not to drown. It could be said, at the age under 3 months of your baby can swim with the primitive style. Not that after that age, babies can not swim anymore, tablets ... Although his reflexes had disappeared, he still can do the swim, although not organized or disheveled. You see, in the presence of gravity, he felt pressured from below the water so he could float. He was so happy BENEFITS SWIMMING * Eliminate the fear of water Many children do not want to learn swimming for fear of water. If outdoor activity is introduced as a baby, it will not happen. * Support play Play is not necessarily in the room or in the garden.

The pool could also be a means of playing fun. * Healthy body and stimulates the motor movements With the play of water, the baby develops muscles, joints grow optimally, increased body growth, and the body was so flexible. In other words, all the components of his body will be trained through the pool because all members of the body from the feet, hands, until the head is moved, although not yet with perfect technique. Baby so trained and his endurance was more awake. * Sharpen independence, courage, and confidence Swim push the baby grows into an independent figure and has the confidence is high. This is reflected when the baby is no longer afraid of venturing together with parents in a big pond. * Social skills Swim together in the pool will foster a sense of togetherness and improve its ability to adapt and socialize with others. * Improve IQ Another advantage, the small movement of the limbs when swimming was allegedly able to stimulate the growth of nerves edge. So the nerves of the brain becomes more active and is expected to increase intelligence. So be sure to accompany your child while swimming, because of the close proximity that exists between parent and child is paramount for the development. Familiarity between parents and children, is invaluable when he adulthood.

WATCH THE AIR HYGIENE Well, now father and mother more stable, right, invite your child to swim? But of swimming at home, yes ... if the age of the child is under 6 months, in order to control the cleanliness and temperature of the water. Do not forget, in this age of the baby immature digestive enzymes. So, if she accidentally swallowed the water that is not clean when swimming, can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and so on. At home does not mean there should be a pool, loh ... After all, many objects that can be used as a substitute for the pool as a bathtub, large buckets, bathtubs, and others. Well, get used to the baby play in it. "Actually, when baby bathing or playing water is one way to recognize or appreciate water in children," said Dr. Karel. After a 6-month-old baby to the top then bring it to the outdoor swimming pool or the public. "But there are things that must be considered when willing to carry a baby to swim in public pools, for example, choose the right time, ie when the pool is still in a clean state, usually in the morning. "The temperature must be adjusted, should not be more than 31 or 32 degrees Celsius." Especially for the first month-old baby, the temperature is 34-35 degrees centigrade. Other hygiene that must be considered is kaporitnya, "do not be too saturated, because chlorine can cause irritation to skin, eyes, and others." The size of chlorine set for children is 6-8 ppm. Carefully, lo, Bu-Pak, if the baby is traumatized because of her sore, the next will be an obstacle.

FIRST CHECK THE CONDITION OF THE BABY Prior to take the child, mother-father needs to check his physical condition to the doctor. The reason is, there are some babies who can not do outdoor activities such as infants who have abnormalities, such as congenital heart defects. While the baby is premature or have low birth weight at birth, according to Dr. Karel, is not taboo to be invited to swim. "Premature babies, right, preterm birth but with a running time he will catch up so that its weight will increase." So, even though the time of birth he had left behind, but at some point he will be able to pursue. Similarly, infants with low birth weight. Another thing to consider is: * One hour before the swim, the baby must have been eating or drinking. Do not take the baby to swim in the circumstances stuffed or so fed directly invited to swim. Do not also take him swimming in a state of hunger because it was feared he would drink the pool water. * The most effective swimming Lama is half an hour because the baby needs to be maintained his endurance or maintained in order to not get bored because eventually. * Parents also need to learn first aid, so that in case something undesirable could immediately give first aid because it already knows how

STEPS TO LEARN POOL To start teaching babies to swim, said health specialist sport of RS Pondok Indah, Jakarta, the baby should be through the introduction phase of the water. * Perform initial training using a plastic pond before entering the real pond. Wet your body like that do not arise when bathing water phobia. Bring waterproof toys such as toy duck or fish, so he felt around in the pool as something fun. Do not hesitate to involve him to want to play games, such as splashing. It will be lured to smile and laugh, while stimulating motor skills. * If your child is familiar with the water, take it to get into the pool for real. However, previously there are several factors that must be considered, among others: - The depth of the pool Do not take the baby to the pool that does not have a special section for children. Choose an area that the depth is only limited to his waist. In addition to avoiding things that are undesirable, such as drowning, pool too deep concern also make your child feel uncomfortable that even led to his own fear of water. To introduce different levels of depth, do it gradually, from the most superficial. - The water temperature water of the pool should not be too cold or too hot. Keep the temperature is approximately equal to body temperature. Water that is too cold or heat can cause the child pain. - Keep the water clarity pool water crystal clear and not cloudy, so even if you feel unwell, do not lead to anything. Wherever possible avoid pool water contains chlorine because it will have a negative impact on the eyes and skin. - Note the cleanliness of the pool floor pool floor. Avoid slippery surface because it can cause it to easily slip. * As a first step, as is done in a rubber pool, do the introduction of water was gradually began to bathe his whole body. Then move your legs in a sitting position after another and move her hands like water splashing. Do not forget, still bring along his favorite water toy for your child to not get bored in the pool. * The next step, use a float shaped tire able to hold his or looped at the wrist. The float function in addition as a safety device, can also help babies practice "float". While using a float, bring it along the edge of the pool. But remember, do not occasionally releasing your grip and control of the child. Gradually the use of buoys should be stopped so that the baby does not depend on the apparatus. In lieu of buoy, father / mother can hold the weight of small and invite you to enjoy outings in the pond. If he is already familiar with the water around him, gradually also encourage him to swim in the deeper pools. * For infants are more motivated to explore in the water, take the kids to another. With the learning process fun among friends, of course the baby will be more excited. Indirectly, with many friends who come to practice, within the baby will grow the belief that swimming was really fun. * Monitoring and mentoring of parents was obviously to be done. This is important because there was a little baby who almost drowned or choked mouth or nose due to the penetration of water. If you experience unpleasant as it is not impossible that a baby so reluctant to swim. Meanwhile, if the baby is difficult taught to swim for fear of water, so it is recommended that parents not to impose the will. Maybe he needs more time to adjust to the water. Importantly, live learning to swim by playing a fun atmosphere. MUST SECURE important note, when swimming baby must feel secure and there must be safeguards. So, parents should accompany him. This is an absolute requirement, lo. "If parents are both into the water and swim together with the baby, then in addition to feel safe, the baby can feel no response from the parents," said Dr. Karel. Besides, the parents accompany also can play with the baby so that there is interaction between people. "This is one of the advantages of swimming." Compare when the new baby learn to sit or walk, whether parents will accompany and perform the same movement continuously with the child? Kan, baseball. "Well, another swim. They both entered the water, swam to equally enjoy its flavor more. It would be useful for the psychological development of children. "That is why, both parents should come with playing in the water. Of course, swimming is also useful for growth. "Motor develops more rapidly than he was just playing on the floor." Is not swim, all the muscles work? Now, if on the floor, only certain muscles are working. Moreover, if the mother gives baby walker so that baby so accustomed to running with the tool. Finally, the movements of the muscles so limited because only certain muscles are working.

AGE APPROPRIATE PRACTICE SWIMMING age 4-6 months is the right time for the baby to get to know the pool. In addition to its aquatic instinct reflex (ability to quickly inhale before touching the water) has not been lost, also when fitted to train the coordination of movement of the muscles of his body. He also has had the instinct to float, in addition to already able to catch his breath. Importantly, do not force your child to swim. Although naturally already adept at holding their breath under water, generally it will continue to swallow the water. Also, limit the time to 10 minutes, though he did not get sick or water poisoning (caused by too much water or less disposal of body fluids). Once the age of 6-18 months berlatihnya plus a so-so time to be 15 minutes. If he had been more clever, you can just loosen berlatihnya time to 30 minutes. Then, at the age of 6-10 months, babies who already know the water well has been able to learn to hold my breath under water. With regular exercise, at the age of 12 months usually he can be released for a few seconds to swim from the father towards the mother, or vice versa. Every child would love to play water. Well, why is not utilized pleasure to teach him to swim? The benefits are many, tablets. Elders swimming in Indonesia, M.F. Siregar, in a chance interview never complained. How difficult to find talented swimmer, what else can be high achievers. One of them caused many children are not introduced to the sport early. According to dr. Karel staa, Sp.A from Pondok Indah Hospital in Jakarta, not all parents have the courage to introduce the sport to his son swimming. "Most parents really worried about her going to drown," he said. Because of that, not a few parents who are new to teach the child to swim or put them in swimming lessons after he started great. Surely this is not an error. However, no one's too late to start learning. However, if early child is taught to swim, then the benefits would be more pronounced. Susan Meredith, in his book Teach Your Child To Swim, say, swimming for toddlers is not just a sport, but also help children develop their motor skills become stronger and faster. In addition of course to health and fitness, so that children do not easily affected by the disease. Another advantage, as said Karel, swimming can train and develop confidence in the intelligence of the child. In fact, swimming can also be an arena of the psychological stimulation due to family interaction involving the father, mother and son, playing together in the water. "When in the family interaction that occurs constantly, later emotional relationships between family members would be good," he said. So, when exactly the child taught to swim? According to Karel, since even babies can be taught to swim. "Despite the age of three months, if the head was upright and was declared healthy both motor, respiratory, digestive and heart, baby can begin to be taught to swim," said the doctor, a former swimmer and national record holder in the 200 meter breaststroke this 1960-1962 , But because Indonesia is not yet common in teaching babies to swim, then Karel recommends to teach the child when she was still a matter of a toddler. "Do not worry son will sink," he said. Karel guarantee, the possibility of sinking is very small when the parents are preparing their children learn to swim properly and safely. ABOUT AIR As an initial step, anjur Karel, first introduce your child to the water to he adapted himself to the water. You can do it at home through the bathtub-shaped bathtubs or "pool" mini plastic that can be pumped. Karel does not recommend that you take the child to a public swimming pool although there is a mini pool for children. Because at this early stage, the elements are fairly intimate atmosphere and privacy between you and your child are very necessary. "If the first has been invited to a public swimming pool, the atmosphere is usually frenzied and intermingled with other children, instead will undermine the most basic lessons but this important fact," he warned. So it is best to teach your child to swim at home. Fill a plastic tub or bathtub with water as high as approximately 30 centimeters or knee-high children. So that, if the child in a sitting position, surface water is limited to his chest. And usually, at this early stage, the child will sit down with a hand drill-nyibakkan water. Oh yes, do not forget the water temperature settings, which must be adjusted to body temperature. So use warm water. At this stage of the introduction of this principle, the child must be happy first with water and assume the water is his friend. You can take along toys of different colors that can float the water, so that the little linger in the water. Introduction to water exercises can be done every day before the child is bathed in order to become a habit. Can be done about 15-20 minutes. START FLOAT If your baby seems already familiar with the water, then you can take her to a public swimming pool. Because after playing around with water in the house, it is expected his confidence has grown. He has been regarded water as a friend. Besides, "motor also has the better. The enzymes in the body too ripe, nature. So the water no longer play easily cause disease," said Karel. At this stage you can start teaching him to float on the water surface movement. In the position of the child's body on his back, place the palm of your hand on the nape of the neck and buttocks so that the position of his body parallel to the water. Then the little sleigh in the forward-backward movement. Similarly, when the child in the prone position. But remember, high body should be parallel to the surface of the water. You do this by supporting the chest, abdomen and pelvis of the child. Keep your head is always sticking on the surface of the water. If your child is proficient floats, you can continue the "lesson" to the next stage, which teaches the basics of swimming movements like sliding or moving the legs by using the tools. For example buoy strapped to the arm, a plastic belt wrapped around the waist, or swimming board. "Usually, before the age of 3 years, with good handling, the children are able to perform movements float well without aids," said Karel. Furthermore, you also need to teach your child underwater exercises. Hold your baby in a holding position so that he feels safe in your arms. Then, slowly drowning child is taken to the road bend your knees. While you count clearly in his ear, "One, two, three, go!" Maintain the position of your baby in your arms, then slowly reappear on the surface. Make some time to train was under water. This exercise, according to Karel, it is very useful to increase the child's confidence in the face of the water in the pond. Besides, he was so controlled all the basics of swimming. "But no need to exercise frequently and need to be maintained so that the child does not choke or swallow the water," said Karel. 

FAVORITE STYLE Now the child is ready to start the styles taught to swim. "Usually the most commonly taught is style is a favorite of her parents. There was nothing," said Karel. But it is recommended that you do not hastily teaches various styles swimming to the child. "Usually when seeing his parents are good at gliding, merrily playing in the water, it means that his son was ready to accept the lesson. In fact not the case," wrote Susan Meredith. Swimming coach in infants and children in the UK have warned, comfortable in contrast to safe water. Haste teaches various styles swimming, can actually unsafe and unproductive. Not only will not make the child become a better swimmer, also did not make it resistant to water. Children who have got the basics of a swimming workout, according to Susan, actually also have a greater risk if it is in the water, than children who have not practiced at all. These children tend to have the feeling that they feel comfortable and safe with water. Also because parents often have the impression that his son was safe because it used to be on the water. According to Susan, there is an important difference between being able to swim and be safe in the water. Small children, no matter how stylish swim under their control, still never safe without the supervision of their parents. However does not mean you necessarily have to hesitate or cancel altogether to teach your child to swim. "Believe me, the child's confidence is much greater than their parents. Children are not easily panic. They did not easily give up so that the learning process faster. They have not reached the ratios of fear. Their souls are playing. So the new challenge regarded as enjoyment, not scary but exciting, "he wrote. NOT FORCED important thing to remember, the message Karel, when children start to learn to swim well when he was in a mini pool under the supervision of a parent or in a large swimming pool in the arms of their parents, the most important stages is to help children to gain confidence and comfortable in the water. "Because this is the first step in a security exercise in the water," he said. Moreover, in teaching swimming to children, their nature should play and exercise. "Children have to enjoy doing it," said Karel. Therefore you are asked not to force the child. Especially actually not difficult to teach children to love the water, because basically they are happy to play. If the child to hate the water, according to Susan, he would have trauma or unpleasant past with water. You should find out first the cause, and then sought treatment, possibly involving an expert in child psychology. But usually, with patience and the patience of parents, children can learn to love the water. Well, if now you are ready to teach your child to swim? Do not delay. Who knows one day our country has an Olympic swimming champion, one of which may be a beloved son or daughter. * Before swimming, and apply special fluid in the body skin child so sunlight does not break the skin is still sensitive. This fluid also serves to protect children from possible skin irritation caused by drugs / fluids are often used in swimming pools such as chlorine. * For the protection of the facial skin is very sensitive at the same eye protection as a result of the water in the pool, use special goggles to swim. In some of the leading sports shops, goggles available for toddlers. But the important thing is try the face and the head of the child always being on the water. * Avoid catapult words that do not support as long as you teach your child to swim. Indicate always carefree attitude and smiling face, so that your child can enjoy a swim. * If your child suffered an "accident" like choking water or slipping, remember to never show an attitude of panic. Take action immediately, but the attitude remains cheerful. * Always give praise whenever the child is able to do the swim stage taught to him. Conversely, do not mock or say he was stupid when he failed, but give the words that made him more eager to continue learning. * Do not remove the child for a moment of your supervision. Either when he swam in the home, in public swimming pools, as well as on the course. * After swimming, immediately bathe the child. When swimming in public pools containing chlorine, flush it with enough water to remove the chlorine attaches too long in the skin. Use soap and shampoo specifically for children. After that, dry the body and baluri body with lotion softener. * Stop the activity swim for a while when the child was sick, although he only cough and cold. Similarly, if he exposed skin rash and diarrhea.

Thanks for reading & sharing gado gado


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